BETH ORTON 「Trailer Park」 |

1.She Cries Your Name(Orton/Orbit)
3.Don't Need A Reason(Orton/Barnes/Friend)
4.Live As You Dream(Orton/Barnes/Friend)
5.Sugar Boy(Orton/Barnes/Friend)
6.Touch Me With Your Love(Orton/Barnes/Friend)
8.How Far(Orton/Barnes/Friend)
9.Someone's Daughter(Orton/Barnes/Friend)
10.I Wish I Never Saw The Sunshine(Spector/Greenwich/Barry)
11.Galaxy Of Emptiness(Orton/Barnes/Friend)
Mixed and Produced by Victor Van Vugt
2, 6, 10 Reproduced and Mixed by Andrew Weatherall
BETH ORTON 「Central Reservation」 |

1.Stolen Car
2.Sweetest Decline
3.Couldn't Cause Me Harm
4.So Much More
5.Pass In Time
6.Central Reservation(Original Version)
7.Stars All Seem To Weep
8.Love Like Laughter
9.Blood Red River
10.Devil Song
11.Feel To Believe
12.Central Reservation(The Then Again Version)
13.Precious Mind<Bonus Track>
14.Best Bit<Bonus Track>
All songs written by Beth Orton
1, 2, 3, 4, 8 Produced by Victor Van Vugt
5 Produced by Dr.RObert
6 Produced by Mark 'Spike' Stent & Beth Orton
7, 12 Produced & Engineered by Ben Watt
9 Produced by David Roback & BEth Orton
10 Produced by David Roback
11 Produced by Beth Orton

1.Paris Train
2.Concrete Sky
3.Mount Washington
7.God Song
8.This One's Gonna Bruise
9.Ted's Waltz
10.Thinking About Tomorrow
All words written by Beth Orton
All music written by Beth Orton
2 written by Beto Orton and Johnny Marr
1, 9 writtenby Beth Orton and Ted Barnes
8 written exclusively for Beth Orton by Ryan Adams
10 written by Beth Orton, Ted barnes, Sebastian Steinberg and Sean Read
All tracks Produced by Victor Van Vugt
Additional Production by Ben Watt and Beth Orton
All tracks mixed by BEn Watt and Andy Bradfield
5 Co-Produced by Beth Orton, Addtional production and Mixed by The Chemical
6 Produced by Beth Orton and Ben Watt
8 Produced by Beth Orton
10 Produced by Victor Van Vugh and Beth Orton, Vocal production and mixed
by William Orbit