EDISON LIGHTHOOUSE 「The Best Of Edison Lighthouse」 |

1.Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)(Macaulay-Mason)
2.She Works In A Woman's Way(Macaulay-Mason)
3.It's Up To You Petula(Arnold-Martin-Morrow)
4.What's Happening(Arnold-Martin-Morrow)
5.Find Mr. Zebedee(Arnold-Martin-Morrow)
6.Every Lonely Day(Manger-Mason)
7.It's Gomma Be A Lonely Summer(Masom-Macaulay)
8.Let's Make It Up(Arnold-Martin-Morrow)
9.Take A Little Time(Light)
10.Reconsider, My Belinda(Wade)
11.Every Little Move She Makes(Cook-Greenaway-Instone)
12.In the Bad, Bad Old Days (Before You Loved Me)
13.Take Me In Your Arms(Macaulay-MacLeod)
14.Melanie Makes Me Smile(Macaulay-Mason)