1.Allons Rock And Roll(Walker)
2.Catawomp Stomp(F.Serrette)
3.Pont De Vue(arranged by R.LeBlanc, additional arranged by File)
4.Pine Grove Blues(N.Abshire)
5.J'Ai Fait Mon Idee(S.Bergeron)
6.T'En as Eu, T'En Auras Plus(D.Balfa)
7.Allons Aller Chez Fred(R.LeBlanc)
8.Chanson De Mardi Gras(traditional, arranged by File)
9.La Valse De Kaplan(traditional, arranged by File)
10.Z'haricots Gris Gris(M.Doucet)
11.Sugar Bee(C.Crochet, arranged by T.Shreve, additional arranged by File)
Produced by File with Bruce Kaplan