HUGH MARSH 「Shaking The Pumkin」 |

1.Purple Haze(Music and Lyrics by Jimi Hendrix)
2.How The Violin Was Born(Lyrics by Jerome Rothernberg, Music by Hugh Marsh, Jon Goldsmith, Kerry Crawford)
3.Little Miss Big Kiss(Lyrics by Robert Palmer, Music by Hugh Marsh)
4.The Way Of The Flesh(Traditional Lyrics by M.T.Tung, Additionla Lyrics by Hugh Marsh, Music by Roberto Occhipinti)
5.Mistreated(Lyrics by B.J.Nelson, Music by Hugh Marsh, Jon Goldsmith, Kerry Crawford)
6.Pizz Punk(Music by Hugh Marsh,)
7.Rules Are Made To Be Broken(Lyrics by Joseph Skvorecky, Music by Hugh Marsh, Jonathan Goldsmith, Kerry Crawford)
8.Sempre Nel Mio Cuore(Always In My Heart) (Music and Lyrics by Hugh Marsh)
Produced by Jonathan Goldsmith and Kerry Crawford