JIMMIE NOONE Featuring EARL HINES 「Apex Blues」 |

1.I Know That You Know(Caldwell-Youmans)
2.Sweet Sue(Just You)(Harris-Young)
3.Four Or Five Times(Hellman-Gay)
4.Every Evening(I Miss You)(Hennings-Rose-McHugh)
5.Ready For The River(Kahn-Moret)
7.Apex Blues(Hines-Noone)
8.My Monday Date(Hines)
9.Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gives To Me(Swanstone-McCarron-Morgan)
10.Oh! Sister, Ain't That Hot"(Donaldson-White)
11.King Joe(Scott)
12.Sweet Lorraine(Parish-Burwell)
13.It's Tight Like That(Dorsey-Whittaker)
14.Chicago Rhythm(Kanter-Grossman)
15.My Daddy Rocks Me(With One Steady Roll)(Barbour)
16.Off Time(Razaf-Brooks-Waller)
17.El Rado Scuffle(Rose)
18.Deep Trouble(Rose)
19.So Sweet(Gillespie-Kanter-Shawn)