NILS LOFGREN 「Silver Lining」 |

1.Silver Lining
3.Walkin' Nerve
4.Live Each Day
5.Sticks And Stones
6.Trouble's Back
7.Little Bit O'Tiime
8.Bein' Angry
9.Gun And Run
10.Girl In Motion
All songs written by Nils Lofgren
Produced by Kevin McCormick and Nils Lofgren
NILS LOFGREN 「Crooked Line」 |

1.A Child Could Tell
2.Blue Skies
5.Shot At You
6.Crooked Line
7.Walk On Me
9.New Kind Of Freedom 10.Just A
Little 11.Drunken Driver
12.I'll Fight For You
All songs written by Nils Lofgren
except 10 written by Elliot/Durand
Produced by Eric "Roscoe" Ambel