PHANTOM SURFERS 「The Great Crash Of '97」 |

1.The Great Surf Crash(Mel Bergman)
2.Rootin' Around for Ramona(Mel Bergman)
3.Pygmy Dance(Mel Bergman)
4.Basset Ballet(Mel Bergman)
5.Single Whammy(Johnny Bartlett)
6.The Cat Came Back(Traditional)
7.Ticker Tape Jungle(Michael Lucas)
8.Medley: X-Files Theme(Mark Snow)/The Extremely Stupid Files(Mel Bergman)
9.Ants In My Pants(Mel Bergman)
10.I Call My Baby D.D.T.(Michael Lucas)
11.Holiday Harbor(Johnny Bartlett)
12.Babalu(Ernest Lecuona)
13.Buy High, Sell Low(Johnny Bartlett)
14.Yozora No Hoshi(Tokio Iwatani/Yuzo Kayama)
15.Out the Window(Mel Bergman)
16.No Go Diggy D(Mel Bergman)
17.Lancelot Link Wray(Mel Bergman)
THE PHANTOM SURFERS AND DICK DALE 「The Phantom Suerfers And Dick Dale」 |

1.Stop That Cedric
2.The Tell Tale Couch
5.The Battle Of Little Big Hand
7.Faierst Of Them All
9.The Lonely Matress
10.Gas Chamber
11.Try To Hide Me
12.Pretty Little Lisa
13.Sloth In Molasses
14.We'll Never Hear The End Of It