SAGITTARIUS 「Present Tense」 |

1.Another Time(C.Boettcher)
2.Song To The Magic Frog(Will You Ever Know)(C.Boettcher-M.O'Malley)
3.You Know I've Found A Way(C.Boettcher-L.Malley)
4.The Keeper Of The Games(C.Boettcher)
6.Would You Like To Go(C.Boettcher-G.Alexander)
7.My World Fell Down(J.Carter-G.Stephens)
8.Hotel Indiscreet(M.Z.Gordon-J.A.Griffin)
9.I'm Not Living Here(C.Boettcher)
10.Musty Dusty(C.Boettcher)
11.The Truth Is Not Real(G.Usher)
Produced by Gary Usher
except 6, 10 Produced by Curt Boettcher