THE SHERMAN BROTHERS 「The Sherman Brothers」 |

1.Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious <From Mary Poppins>
2.It's A Small World(After All)
3.Winnie The Pooh <From Winnie the Pooh & the Honey Tree>
4.I Wan'na Be Like You <From The Jungle Book>
5.Spoonful Of Sugar <From Mary Poppins>
6.Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room
7.Chim Chim Cheree
8.Tall Paul(Session)
9.Tall Paul <Annette Funicello Single>
10.Let's Get Together <From The Parent Trap>
11.Monkey's Uncle
12.That Darn Cat
13.Ten Feet Off The Ground
15.Fortuosity <From The Happiest Millionaire>
16.Age Of Not Believing <From Bedknobs & Broomsticks>
17.Are We Dancing? <From The Happiest Millionaire>
18.Feed The Birds <From Mary Poppins>
19.On The Front Porch <From Summer Magic>
20.Beautiful Briny <From Bedknobs & Broomsticks>
21.Heffalumps And Woozles <From Winnie The Pooh & The Blustery Day>
22.Ugly Bug Ball <From Summer Magic>
23.Makin' Memories
24.Magic Journeys
25.(There's A) Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow
26.Walt Disney And The Sherman Brothers Sing