SHIELEY ELLIS 「The Very Best Of Shirley Ellis」 |

1.The Nitty Gritty(Lincoln Chase)
2.(That's)What The Nitty Gritty Is feat.JIM DANDY(Lincoln Chase)
3.Shy One(Tony Hornedo-Lincoln Chase-Shirley Ellis)
4.Bring It On Home To Me(Sam Cooke)
5.The Name Game(Lincoln Chase-Shirley Ellis)
6.Whisper To Me Wind(Tony Hornado-Lincoln Chase)
7.The Clapping Song(Clap Pat Clap Slap)(Lincoln Chase)
8.The Puzzle Song(A Puzzle In Song)(Lincoln Chase)
9.I Told You So(Lincoln Chase)
10.Ever See So A Diver Kiss His Wife(While The Bubbles Bounce About Above
The Water?)(Lincoln Chase-Shirley Ellis)
1, 2, 3, 4 Produced by Hutch Davie
5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Produced by Charles Calello
10 Produced by Neil Galligan, Hutch Davie and Lincoln Chase