THE SPENT POETS 「The Spent Poets」 |

1.Mr. Einstein(A.Gates)
2.My Useless Heart(A.Gates)
3.Your Existential Past(A.Gates/J.Berg)
7.You Can't Kill Michael Malloy(M.Winegar)
8.Walt Whitman's Beard(A.Gates)
9.He's Living With His Mother Now(A.Gates)
10.Ali Ali Ackbar(A.Gates)
11.Rocks In Virginia's Dress(A.Gates)
12.You Don't Know Me(A.Gates/M.Winegar)
13.Why Are You Sleeping With Mr. Brown?(A.Gates)
14.A Bad Case Of Melancholy(A.Gates/M.Winegar)
Produced by Matt Wallace
Co-Produced by The Spent Poets
except 7, 9, 12, 14 Produced by The Spent Poets