1.Suite Sudarmoricaine
2.An Dro/Tha Mi Sgith
3.Ar An Garraig/Telenn Wad
4.The Foggy Dew
5.Suzy McGuire (Siobhan Ni Dhuibhir)
6.Suite Irlandaise
7.Spered Hollvedel
8.Son Ar Chistr
9.Marv Eo Ma Mestrez
11.Suite des Montagnes
14.Bal Ha Dans Plinn
15.O'Neil March/King Of The Fairies
16.Ian Morrisson Reel
17.Tri Martolod
All Titles Traditional with Arrangements by Alan Stivell
except 3(Telenn Wad), 7 Music by Traditional/Lyrics and Arrangements by
Alan Stivell