1.We Were Always Sweethearts(B.Scaggs)
2.Downright Women(B.Scaggs)
3.Painted Bells(B.Scaggs)
4.Alone, Alone(D.Brown)
5.Near You(B.Scaggs)
6.I Will Forever Sing(The Blues)(R.P.St.John)
8.Hollywood Blues(B.Scaggs)
9.We Been Away(D.Brown)
10.Can I Make It Last(Or Will It Just Be Over)(B.Scaggs)
Produced by Glyn Johns

1.You Make It So Hard(To Say No)(W.R.Scaggs)
2.Slow Dancer(G.Daly-W.R.Scaggs)
3.Angel Lady(Come Just In Time)(J.Bristol-J.McDonough-W.R.Scaggs)
4.There Is Someone Else(W.R.Scaggs)
6.Pain Of Love(J.Bristol)
7.Sail On White Moon(J.Bristol)
8.Let It Happen(W.R.Scaggs-J.Bristol)
9.I Got Your Number(J.Bristol-G.Reeves)
10.Take It For Granted(W.R.Scaggs)
Produced by Johnny Bristol
BOZ SCAGGS 「Silk Degrees」 |

1.What Can I Say(B.Scaggs-D.Paich)
3.Jump Street(B.Scaggs-D.Paich)
4.What Do You Want The Girl To Do(A.Toussaint)
5.Harbor Lights(B.Scaggs)
7.It's Over(B.Scaggs-D.Paich)
8.Love Me Tomorrow(B.Scaggs)
9.Lido Shuffle(B.Scaggs-D.Paich)
10.We're All Alone(B.Scaggs)
Produced by Joe Wissert

■CK 36841■
1.Lowdown(Words:Boz Scaggs Music:Boz Scaggs/David Paich)
2.You Make It So Hard(To Say No)(Words & Music: W.R.Scaggs)
3.Miss Sun(Words & Music: David Paich)
4.Lido Shuffle(Words:Boz Scaggs Music:Boz Scaggs/David Paich)
5.We're All Alone(Words & Music:Boz Scaggs)
6.Breakdown Dead Ahead(Words:Boz Scaggs Music:Boz Scaggs/David Foster)
7.Look What You've Done To Me(Words:Boz Scaggs Music:Boz Scaggs/David
8.Jojo(Words:Boz Scaggs/David Lasley Music:Boz Scaggs/David Foster)
9.Dinah Flo(Words & Music: W.R.Scaggs)
10.You Can Have Me Anytime(Words:Boz Scaggs Music:Boz Scaggs/David Foster)
■SRCS 6468■ 1.Lowdown(Words:Boz Scaggs Music:Boz Scaggs/David Paich)
2.Slow Dancer(G.Daly-W.R.Scaggs)
3.Miss Sun(Words & Music: David Paich)
4.Lido Shuffle(Words:Boz Scaggs Music:Boz Scaggs/David Paich)
5.We're All Alone(Words & Music:Boz Scaggs)
6.Hollywood(Words & Music:Boz Scaggs)
7.You Can Have Me Anytime(Words:Boz Scaggs Music:Boz Scaggs/David Foster)
8.Jojo(Words:Boz Scaggs/David Lasley Music:Boz Scaggs/David Foster)
9.Hard Times(Words & Music: Boz Scaggs)
10.Look What You've Done To Me(Words:Boz Scaggs Music:Boz Scaggs/David

1.What's Number One?(B.Scaggs-M.Miller-J.Carroll)
3.Heart of Mine(B.Caldwell-J.Sheff-D.Matkoshy)
4.Right Out of My Head(B.Scaggs-D.Huff-D.Huff)
5.I Don't Hear You(J.Caroll-D.Huff-D.Huff)
6.Mental Shakedown(B.Schnee-D.Williams)
7.Soul To Soul(B.Scaggs-M.Miller)
8.Crimes of Passion(J.Carroll-D.Huff)
10.Cool Running(B.Scaggsl-D.williams-P.Leonard)
11.The Night of Van Gogh(B.Scaggs-P.Wolf-B.Caldwell)
Produced by Bill Scnee
except 2, 3 Producedd by Stewart Levin
6 Produced by David Williams and Boz Scaggs