BRIAN HYLAND 「The Joker Went Wild/Run, Run, Look And See」 |

1.The Joker Went Wild(B.Russell)
2.Call Me(T.Hatch)
3.When You Touch Me(G.Fischoff-J.Meltzer)
4.One Night Jimmy(B.Hyland-J.Holvay)
5.Norwegian Wood(This Bird Has Flown)(J.Lennon-P.McCartney)
6.The Genie(B.Russell-B.Cason)
7.Run, Run, Look And See(M.Cooper-R.Whitley)
8.3000 Miles(R.Wayne)
9.Sometimes They Do, Sometimes They Don't(Dean-King)
10.Yesterday I Had A Girl(B.Hyland)
11.Lavender Blue(Dilly Dilly)(L.Morey-E.Daniel)
12.Just Out Of Reach(Stewart)
Arrangements by Leon Russell and Al Capps: A Snuff Garrett Productions
Engineer: Dave Hassinger and Henry Lewy