1.Water Under The Bridge
2.Need Another
3.Love Birds
5.Grand Old English Oak Tree
6.Stand By Yourself
7.As My Time Goes By
8.Never Again
9.Cold Tea
10.We're Not Going To Take This Anymore
11.She Wants My Loving<Bonus Track>
12.Valuable Fool<Bonus Track>
13.It's Been So Long<Bonus Track>
Written by Clark, Priest, Miller
Produced by Ian Broudie
except 11, 12, 13 A Bostin Dodgy Production
Co-Produced with Micky Howard

1.Staying Out For The Summe
2.Melodies Haunt You
3.So Let Me Go Far
5.One Day
6.We Are Together
7.Whole Lot Easier
8.Making The Most Of
9.Waiting For The Day 10.What
Have I Done Wrong?
12.Don't Go Back(To The Beaten Track)
13.Colour Me With Paints
All songs written by Nigel Clark, Mathew Priest and Andy Miller
All tracks produced and mixed by Hugh Jones
2, 5, 9 Original production by Ian Broudie; Additional Production and mix
by Hugh Jones
12 Original production by Ian Broudie, Engineered by Cenzo Townshend; ;
Additional Production and mix A Bostin' Dodgy Production
13 Another Bostin' Dodgy Production, Engineered by Simon DUffy

2.In A Room
3.Trust In Time
4.You've Gotta Look Up
5.If You're Thinking Of Me
6.Good Enough
7.Ain't No Longer Asking
8.Found You
9.One Of Those Rivers
10.Prey For Drinking
11.Jack The Lad
12.Long Life
15.Grateful Moon<Bonus Track>
16.Is It Me?<Bonus Track>
Written by Nigel Clark, Mathew Priest, Andy Miller
Produced and mixed by Hugh Jones
Engineered by Robin Evans

1.Intro - Featherweight & Monkeyface
2.Come To Bed
3.(We All Need A Little) Lifting
4.Rag Doll
5.Feel Good
7.You Shouldn't Wear Shorts
8.The Right Idea
10.Feather Cuts & Monkey Boots(Filthy Lucre Remix)
11.Be Free
All Songs Performed, Written and Owned by Dodgy
Produced and Mixed With Robin Evans
except 3 Produced, Mixed & Engineered by Charlie Francis

1.Never Again(Campfire Version)
2.Water Under The Bridge
3.I Need Anuther
4.Grand Old English Oak Tree
5.The Snake
6.Sylvia's Bedroom
7.A Summer's Day In Mid January
8.Making The Most Of ...
9.Staying Out For The Summer
11.The Elephant(The Balaphon-A-Bing Bong Immigrant Mix)
12.All The Time In The World
13.In A Room(Full Version)
14.Good Enough
15.Found You
18.Summer Fayre
All tracks written by Nigel Clark, Matthew Priest and Andrew Miller
5 written by Oscar Brown
17 written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney
1, 2, 3, 4 Produced by Ian Broudie
5, 6, 7 Produced by Another Bostin' Dodgy Production
8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Produced & Mixed by Hugh Jones
11, 18 Produced by Paul Schroeder
12 Produced by Another Bostin' Dodgy Production and Robin Evans