ドメニコドモランテ 「Hey! Got Tomorrow Night!!」 |

1.She Appears(Toku the D/Kotoyori)
2.Action Woman(J.Kendrix)
3.Talkin' Bout My Girl(Toku the D/Kotoyori/Patch)
4.(If You)Wanna Be Mine(Toku the D/Kosu-motts)
5.What You Want To Get(Toku the D/Patch)
6.Time To Forget Him(Toku the D/CHobeaullet)
7.I'm A Man(E.McDaniel)
Produced by Patch(Gyogun Rend's)
ドメニコドモランテ 「Sweat Of Sound」 |

1.Nightmare In Your Bed
2.Mini Skart Blues
3.Gimme Enema!
4.Pretty Thing In My Pocket
5.Lip Like Sugar
6.Pussin' Too Hard
7.Baby Deep Throught
8.Goof Around
9.5th Demention
10.Lookin' For Your Backdoor
Produced by Patch