THE FIFTH AVENUE BAND 「The Fifth Avenue Band」 |

1.Fast Freight(Peter Gallway)
2.One Way Or The Other(Kenny Altman)
3.Good Lady Of Toronto(Peter Gallway)
4.Eden Rock(Altman-Gallway)
5.Country Time Rhymes(Peter Gallway)
6.Calamity Jane(Peter Gallway)
7.Nice Folks(Kenny Altman)
8.Cockeyed Shame(Peter Gallway)
9.Faithful Be Fair(Kenny Altman)
10.In Hollywood(Peter Gallway)
11.Angel(Jon Lind)
Produced by Jelly Yester and Erick Jacobsen
except 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11 Produced by Jelly Yester and Zal yanovsky and
Erick Jacobsen

1.Look Who's On Fire Now(Jon Lind/Clyde Lieberman/Hamish Stuart)
2.Out Of The Past(Kenneth Altman)
3.Leap Of Faith(Peter Gallway)
4.Kiss To Kiss(Jon Lind/M.J.D'Astugues/Phil Galdston)
5.Windblow(Murray Weinstock)
6.I Love My Car(Jon Lind/Phil Galdston)
7.Burn(Kenneth Altman)
8.Nothing To Do With The Weather(Peter Gallway)
9.Heaven Made Love(Murray Weinstock/K.Colton)
10.Look Who's On Fire Now(Reprise)
Produced by The Fifth Avenue Band(Kenny Altman, Peter Gallway, Jon Lind,
Murray Weinstock)