GO-GO'S 「Beauty And The Beat」 |

1.Our Lips Are Sealed(J.Wiedlin-T.Hall)
2.How Much More(C.Caffey-J.Wiedlin)
4.Lust To Love(C.Caffey-J.Wiedlin)
5.This Town(C.Caffey-J.Wiedlin)
6.We Got The Beat(C.Caffey)
7.Fading Fast(C.Caffey)
9.You Can't Walk In Your Sleep(If You Can't Sleep)
10.Skidmarks On Your Heart(C.Caffey-B.Carlisle)
11.Can't Stop The World(K.Valentine)
Produced by Richard Gottehrer & Rob Freeman

2.He's So Strange(Caffey/Phillips/Custis/Wiedlin)
3.Girl Of 100 Lists(Wiedlin)
4.We Don't Get Along(Valentine)
5.I Think It's Me(Caffey/Carlisle)
6.It's Everything but Partytime(Wiedlin/Schock)
7.Get Up And Go(Caffey/Wiedlin)
8.This Old Feeling(Caffey/Wiedlin)
9.Cool Jerk(Donald Starball)
10.The Way You Dance(Caffey/Wiedlin/Valentine)
11.Beatnik Beach(Caffey/Carlisle)
12.Worlds Away(Wiedlin/Valentine)
Produced by Richard Gottehrer

1.Head Over Heels(Caffey/Valentine)
2.Turn To You(Caffey/Wiedlin)
3.You Thought(Schock/Valentine)
4.Beneath The Blue Sky(Valentine/Wiedlin)
5.Forget That Day(Wiedlin)
6.I'm The Only One(Valentine/Harvey/Carter)
7.Yes Or No(Wiedlin/Mael/Mael)
8.Capture The Light(Wiedlin)
9.I'm With You(Schock/Wiedlin)
Produced and engineered by Martin Rushent

1.Our Lips Are Sealed(J.Wiedlin/T.Hall)
2.Cool Jerk(Donald Storball)
3.We Got The Beat(C.Caffey)
4.Head Over Heels(Caffey/Valentine)
5.Get Up And Go(Caffey/Wiedlin)
7.Beatnik Beach(Caffey/Carlisle)
8.You Thought(Schock/Valentine)
9.I'm The Only One(Valentine/Harvey/Carter)
10.This Town(C.Caffey/J.Wiedlin)
11.Lust To Love(C.Caffey/J.Wiedlin)
13.How Much More?(C.Caffey/J.Wiedlin)
14.Turn To You(C.Caffey/J.Wiedlin)
1, 3, 10, 11, 13 Produced by Richard Gottehrer & Rob Freeman
5, 6, 7 Produced by Richard Gottehrer
4, 8, 9, 12, 14 Produced and Engineered by Martin Rushent
2 Produced by David Z
THE GO-GO'S 「Return To The Valley Of The Go-Go's」 |

1.Living At The Canterbury(Wiedlin)/Party Pose(Wiedlin/Carlisle)
2.Fashion Seekers(Caffey/Fleury)(Live)
3.He's So Strange(Caffey/Phillips/Custis/Wiedlin)
4.London Boys(J.Wiedlin/D.Bolles)(Live)
5.Beatnik Beach((Caffey/Carlisle)(Live)
6.Cool Jerk(D.Storball)
7.We Got The Beat(C.Caffey)(Single Mix)
8.Our Lips Are Sealed(J.Wiedlin/T.Hall)
9.Surfing And Spying(Caffey)
12.Good For Gone(Schock/Valentine)
13.Head Over Heels(Caffey/Valentine)
14.Can't Stop The World(Valentine)(Live)
16.Good Girl(Caffey/Wiedlin)
18.The Whole World Lost Its Head(Valentine/Wiedlin)
19.Screaming(Caffey/Wiedlin)<Bonus Track>
20.Turn To You(Caffey/Wiedlin)<Bonus Track>
6 Produced by Paul L. Wexler
7, 8, 9 Produced by Richard Gottehrer and Rob Freeman
10, 11 Produced by Richard Gottehrer
12, 13, 20 Produced by Martin Rushent
14 Produced by Greg Edward
16, 17 Produced by John Porter
THE GO-GO'S 「God Bless The Go-Go's」 |

1.La La Land(Caffey/Valentine)
4.Stuck In My Car(Caffey/Wiedlin/Stuart)
5.Vision Of Nowness(Valentine/Ross)
6.Here You Are(Caffey/Wiedlin/Vallance)
7.Automatic Rainy Day(Shock/Wiedlin/Plunkett)
8.Kissing Asphalt(Caffey)
10Sonic .Superslide(Caffey/Carlisle/Shock/Valentine/Wiedlin)
11.Throw Me A Curve(Caffey/Carlisle/Shock/Valentine/Wiedlin)
12.Talking Myself Down(Caffey/Wiedlin/Hoffs)
13.Daisy Chain(Weidlin/Valentine/Sobule)
Produced and engineered by Paukl Q. Kolderie and Sean Slade
except 6 Produced and recorded by Rick Neigher
JANE WIEDLIN 「Jane Wiedlin」 |

1.Blue Kiss(Kirsch-Wiedlin)
2.Goodbye Cruel World(Wiedlin-Lord)
3.Sometimes You Really Get On My Nerves(Wiedlin-Lord)
4.East Meets West(Wiedlin)
5.Somebody's Going To Get Into This House(Kirsch)
7.Modern Romance(Wiedlin-Kieffer)
8.I Will Wait For You(Hunter)
9.One Hundred Years Of Solitude(Wiedlin)
10.Where We Can Go(Wiedlin-Hunter)
11.My Traveling Heart(Wiedlin)
Produced by George Massenburg, Bill Payne, Russ Kunkel
except 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 Produced by Vince Ely
<CDP-7-48683-2> |
<CP32-5654> |
1.Inside A Dream(Wiedlin/Cole)
2.Rush Hour(Wiedlin/Rafelson)
3.One Heart One Way(Wiedlin/Rafelson)
5.The End Of Love(Wiedlin/Hague)
6.Lover's Night(Wiedlin/Rafelson)
9.Song Of The Factory(Wiedlin/Wooley/Hague)
10.Whatever It Takes(Wiedlin/Kessler/Simms)
Produced by Stephen Hague

1.Rain On Me(Wiedlin/Hild/Hunter/Collins)
2.At The End Of The Day((Mcilwain/Tibenham)
3.Guardian Angel(Wiedlin/Cutler/Morgan)
4.Flowers On The Battlefield(Wiedlin/Goldenberg)
6.World On Fire(Wiedlin/Cutler/Hall/Block)
7.Paper Heart(Lauper/Orange/Wiedlin)
8.Big Rock Candy Mountain(Wiedlin/Tagg)
9.99 Ways(Wiedlin/Hill/Thompson)
Produced by Peter Collins
except 9 Produced by Peter Collins and Andy Hill
THE GRACES 「Perfect View」 |

1.Lay Down Your Arms(Caffey/Shipley/Schuckett)
2.When The Sun Goes Down(Caffey/Shipley/Schuckett)
3.Perfect View(Caffey/Shipley)
4.Fear No Love(Caffey/Shipley)
5.Time Waits For No One(Caffey/Crewe/Corbetta)
6.50,000 Candles Burning(Caffey/Shipley/Schuckett/Stone/Melone)
7.Should I Let You In(Caffey/Holden)
8.We Never Met(Caffey/Crewe/Corbetta)
10.Out In The Fields(Caffey/Caffey/Carlisle)
Produced by Ellen Shipley with Ralph Schuckett
8 Produced by Thom Panunzio
3 Produced by Rick Nowels and Ellen Shipley
7 Produced by Thom Panunzio and Ellen Shipley
5 Produced by Rick Nowels