GUESS WHO 「The Greatest Of The Guess Who」 |

1.These Eyes(Bachman/Cummings)
4.No Time(Bachman/Cummings)
5.American Woman(Bachman/Cummings/Kale/Peterson)
6.Hand Me Down World(Winter)
7.Albert Flasher(Cummings)
8.Glamour Boy(Cummings)
9.Star Baby(Cummings)
10.Clap For The Wolfman(Cummings/Wallace/Winter)
11.Dancin' Fool(Cummings/Troiano)
12.When The Band Was Singin' "Shakin' All Over"(Cummings/Troiano)
Produced by Jack Richardson
BURTON CUMMINGS 「The Burton Cummings Collection」 |

1.Stand Tall
2.I'm Scared
3.Nothing Rhymed
4.Is It Really Right
5.Never Had A Lady Before
7.Timeless Love
8.My Own Way To Rock
9.Break It To Them Gently
10.I Will Play A Rhapsody
11.Meanin' So Much
12.Dream Of A Child
13.Fine State Of Affairs
14.One And Only
15.You Saved My Soul
16.Not Too Appealing
18.Permssible To Cry
20.Take One Away
All Selections by Burton Cummings
3 by Gilbert O'Sullivan
12 by David Forman
13, 17 by Burton Cummings & Ian Gardiner
20 by Bill Iveniuk & Burton Cummings
Produced by Burton Cummings
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Produced by Richard Perry
15 Produced by Burton Cummings & Bruce Robb