THE HONEYS 「Capitol Collectors Series」 |

1.Shoot The Curl(S.Glantz/D.Rovell)
2.Surfin Down The Swanee River(Brian Wilson)
4.From Jimmy With Tears(B.Kaye/L.Glover)
5.Pray For Surf(S.Glantz/D.Rovell)
6.(Oly Oxen Free Free Free) Hide Go Seek(Brian Wilson)
7.The One You Can't Have(Brian Wilson)
8.He's A Doll(Brian Wilson)
9.The Love Of A Boy And Girl(S.Glantz/D.Rovell)
10.Come To Me(Murray Wilson)
11.Tonight You Belong To Me(L.David/B.Rose)
12.(Goodnight My Love) Pleasant Dreams(Motola/Maraskolka)
13.Had To Phone Ya(B.Wilson/D.Rovell)
14.Slip On Through(Dennis Wilson)
15.It's Like Heaven(B.Wilson/D.Rovell)
16.Don't Be Cruel(O.Blackwell/E.Presley)
17.Do Ya(Wilson/Rovell/Wilson)
18.Sweet Sunday Kinda Love(B.Wilson/M.Love)
19.She's Just Out To Get You(Mike Love)
20.Romeo And Juliet(F.Gorman/R.Hamilton)
1, 2, 5, 6 Produced by Brian Wilson and Nick Venet
7, 8, 15, 16, 17, 20 Produced and Arranged by Brian Wilson
11, 12 Produced by Brian Wilson, Arranged by Al Kapps
13 Produced by Brian Wilson and David Sandler, Arranged by Brian Wilson
3, 4 Produced by Nick Venet
10 Produced and Arranged by Murray Wilson
9 Produced by Brian Wilson, Arranged by Ginger Blake
14, 18, 19 Produced by Diane Rovell, Arranged by Elmo Peeler