LESLEY SCHATZ 「Walls, Hearts & Heroes」 |

1.Walls And Borders(L.Schatz)
2.Gotta Go(Bremen Train)(L.Schatz)
4.Lonely Bird(K.Baran/L.Schatz)
5.Back To Your Arms(L.Schatz)
6.Girl Gone Wild(F.Peters/J.Gorham)
7.Old Old Doll(S.Monick/R.Dobson)
8.Take A Stand(For The Children)(L.Schatz)
9.I Can Hear Ya Callin'(L.Schatz)
10.Foothills Lullabye(E.Emerson/B.Brown/L.Schatz)
11.My Heart Stands(At Your Door)(L.Schatz)
12.Gypsy Blue(L.Schatz)
13.Wastin' The Moon(D.Charney/L.Schatz)
14.Merlin And The Cowboy(L.Schatz)
15.I Can Dance(Like Arthur Murray)(L.Schatz)
16.New Crescent Moon(L.Schatz)
17.Once A Dream(W.Teskey/L.Schatz)
18.Way Of Walkin'(She's Sure Got Away With My Heart)(W.Aldridge/T.Brasfield)
19.Old Wooley(D.Lange)
20.Christmas Wish(L.Schatz)
21.Christmas In The Cabin(L.Schatz)
22.Un Canadien Errant(Traditional)
1, 7, 9, 11 Produced by Lesley Schatz
2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22 Produced by Mike Dunbar
6, 10, 18, 19 Produced by Lesley Schatz & Cal Maier
8 Produced by Dwayne Sands
20, 21 produced by David Wilkie