1.Cult Of Personality(V.reid, C.Glover, W.Calhourn, M.Skillings)
2.I Want To Know(V.Reid)
3.Middle Man(V.Reid/C.Glover)
4.Desperate People(V.reid, C.Glover, W.Calhourn, M.Skillings)
5.Open Letter (To A Landlord)
6.Funny Vibe(V.Reid)
7.Memories Can't Wait(D.Byrne, J.Harrison)
8.Broken Hearts(V.Reid)
9.Glamour Boys(V.Reid)
10.What's Your Favorite Color? (Theme Song)(V.Reid/C.Glover)
11.Which Way To America?(V.Reid)
Produced by Ed Stasium
except 9, 11 Produced by Mick Jagger

1.1.Time's Up(W.Calhoun, C.Glover, V.Reid, M.Skillings)
2.History Lesson(V.Reid)
4.Love Rears Its Ugly Head(V.Reid)
5.New Jack Theme(V.Reid)
6.Someone Like You(M.Skillings)
7.Elvis Is Dead(V.Reid)
9.Information Overload(V.Reid)
10.Under Cover Of Darkness(C.Glover)
12.Fight The Fight(W.Calhoun, C.Glover, V.Reid, M.Skillings)
13.Tag Team Partners(C.Glover)
14.Solace Of YouC.GLover, (V.Reid)
15.This Is The Life(V.Reid)
Produced by Ed Stasium

1.Go Away(Calhoun, Glover, Reid, Wimbish)
2.Ignorance Is Bliss(Calhoun, Glover, Reid, Wimbish)
3.Leave It Alone(Glover, Wimbish, Reid)
4.Bi(Calhoun, Reid,)
5.Mind Your Own Business(Reid)
6.Auslander(Calhoun, Glover, Reid, Wimbish)
7.Never Satisfied(Glover, Reid)
10.Wtff(Betts, Calhoun, Glover, Reid, Wimbish)
11.This Little Pig(Calhoun, Glover, Reid, Wimbish)
12.Hemp(Reid, Fairley)
13.Wall(Reid, Wimbish, Calhoun, Glover)
Produced by Ron Saint Germain and Living Colour

2.Release The Pressure<Previously Unreleased>
3.Sacred Ground<Previously Unreleased>
4.Visions<Previously Unreleased>
5.Love Rears Its Ugly Head(Soulpower Re-Mix)
6.These Are Happy Times<Previously Unreleased>
7.Memories Can't Wait(Live)
8.Cult Of Personality
9.Funny Vibe
11.Glamour Boys
12.Open Letter(To A Landlord)
13.Solace Of You
16.Time's Up
17.What's Your Favorite Color? (Theme Song)
VERNON REID 「Mistaken Identity」 |

1.CP Time
2.Mistaken Identity
3.You Say He's Just A Psychic Friend
4.Who Are You? (Mutation 1)
6.The Projects
7.Uptown Drifter
8.Saint Cobain
9.Important Safety Instructions! (Mutation 2) 10.What's My Name 11.Signed
Fictitious 12.Call Waiting To Exhale (Mutation3) 13.My Last
Nerve 14.Freshwater Coconut 15.Mysterious Power
16.Unborne Embrace
All songs written by V.Reid
1 written by V.Reid-J.L.Hooker-J.Starr-D.Dickerson
5 written by V.Reid0L.Hopkins
8 written by V.Reid-J.Dammers 11 written by V.Reid-R.Sterart
16 written by V.Reid-T.Macero
Produced by Prince Paul, Teo Macero & Vernon Reid