MARY BLACK 「Babes In The Wood」 |

1.Still Believing(Thom Moore)
2.Bright Blue Rose(Jimmy McCarthy)
3.Golden Mile(Noel Brazil)
4.Babes In The Wood(Noel Brazil)
5.Thorn Upon the Rose(Julie Mathews)
6.Brand New Star(Kieran Goss)
7.Prayer For Love(Molenie O Lyubvi)(Thom Moore)
8.Adam At The Window(Jimmy McCarthy)
9.Dimming Of The Day(Richard Thompson)
10.Might As Well Be A Slave(Noel Brazil)
11.Just Around The Corner(Kiaran Goss)
12.The Urge For Going (Joni Mitchell)
Produced by Declan Sinnott
MARY BLACK 「The Holy Ground」 |

1.Summer Sent You(Noel Brazil)
2.Flesh And Blood(Shane Howard)
3.The Loving Time(Noel Brazil)
4.Golden Thread(Thom Moore)
5.The Holy Ground(Trad. arr. M.Black/J.Crowley)
6.Treasure Island(John Gorka)
7.The Holy Ground(Gerry O'Beirne)
8.One Way Donkey Ride(Sandy Denny)
9.Dockland(Noel Brazil)
10.Lay Down Your Burden(Jesse Winchester
11.Paper Friends(Noel Brazil)
12.Poison Words(Paul Duran)
13.Don't Explain(Herzog/Holiday)<BONUS Track for Japan>
Produced by Declan Sinnott

1.Circus(Noel Brazil)
2.In A Dream(Noel Brazil)
3.Moon And St.Christopher(Jimmy McCarthy)
4.Wonder Child(Shane Howard)
5.All That Hammering(John Gorka)
6.Donegal Breeze(Kevin Doherty)
7.A Stone's Throw From The Soul(Noel Brazil)
8.Free As Stone(Shane Howard)
9.Roison(Noel Brazil)
10.Looking Forward(John Gorka)
11.Gabriel(Shane Howard)
12.Raven In The Stormc(John Gorka & Geoff Bartley)
13.Only A Woman's Heart(Eleanor McEvoy) feat. EMMYLOU HARRIS <BONUS Track for Japan>
Produced by Declan Sinnott