1.So Hard To Say Goodbye(G.Albright)
2.Didn't I (Blow Your Mind This Time)(W.Hart, T.Bell)
4.You Are My Starship(M.Henderson)
6.Conditions Of The Heart(N.Brown)
7.River Of Love(B.Lyle)
8.You Can't Hurt Me Anymore(P.Glass, F.Martin, R.Long)
9.Feel The Heart(M.Meadows, J.Burvick)
10.We're Still Friends(D.Hathaway)
11.You're Making Me High(K.Edmonds, B.Wilson)
12.K.C.(K.Connors, N.Connors, J.Burvick, D.Tavie)
13.Not Just Another Love Song(D.Tavie, E.Sheppard)
14.Can't Say No(L.McGee, J.Caccamise, A.Walker)
All Songs Produced by Norman Connors
1 Co-Produced by Gerald Albright
10, 13 Produced by Donald Tavie, Co-Produced by Norman Connors
11, 14 Produced by Larry McGee, Co-Produced by Norman Connors
12 Produced by Kwasi Connors and Norman Connors