1.Lullaby From The Great Mother Whale For The Baby Seal Pups
3.Love Swim
4.Blues' Cathedral
5.Sea Wolf
6.Sea Joy
7.Dance Of The Silkies
8.Seal Eyes
Produced by Paul Winter

1.Sun Singer Theme(Paul Winter)
2.Hymn To The Sun(Johann Sebastian Bach, Paul Halley, Paul Winter)
3.Dolphin Morning(Paul Halley, Paul Winter, Glen Velez)
4.Reflections In A Summer Pond(Paul Halley, Paul Winter)
5.Dancing Particles(Paul Halley, Paul Winter, Glen Velez)
6.Winter's Dream(Paul Halley)
7.Heaven Within(Paul Halley)
8.Big Ben's Bolero(Paul Halley, Paul Winter, Glen Velez)
9.Sun Singer(Paul Halley, Paul Winter)
Produced by Paul Winter

1.Whales Weep Not!(Humpback whale, Paul Winter, Jim Scott)
2.Dawnwatch(Humpback whale, Roger Payne, Paul Halley)
3.George And Gracie(Humpback whale, Paul Winter, ROger Payne)
4.Turning(Paul Halley)
5.Concerto For Whale And Organ(Humpback whale, Roger Payne, Paul Halley)
6.Humphrey's Blues(Humpback whale, Roger Payne, Paul Halley, Paul Winter)
7.Queequeg And I/The Water Is Wide(Humpback whale, Paul Winter)
8.Ocean Dream(Humpback whale, Paul Winter)
9.Voyage Home(Finale)(Humpback whale, Roger Payne, Paul Halley)
Produced by Paul Winter & Roger Payne
PAUL WINTER 「Earth:Voices Of A Planet」 |

1.Appalachian Morning
2.Cathedral Forest
3.Call Of The Elephant
5.Ocean Child
6.Uirapuru Do Amazonas
8.Russian Girls
9.Black Forest
10.Song Of The Exile
11.Under The Sun
12.And The Earth Spins
Produced by Russ Landau and Paul Winter
PAUL WINTER 「The Best Of Paul Winter」 |

1.Dolphin Morning(Paul Halley-Paul Winter-Glen Velez)
2.Love Swim(Bottlenose Dolphin-Paul Winter-Jim Scott-Oscar Castro Neves)
3.River Run(Glen Velez-Paul Halley-Eugene Friesen-Oscar Castro Neves-Paul
4.Sun Singer(Paul Halley-Paul Winter)
5.Grand Canyon Sunrise(Glen Velez-Paul Halley-Paul Winter)
6.Tomorrow Is My Dancing Day(Traditional)
7.Lullaby From The Great Mother Whale For The Baby Seal Pups(Paul WInter-Jim Scott)
8.For The Beauty Of The Earth(Traditional Hymn)
9.Icarus(Ralph Towner)
10.Song For The World(Traditional Panpipe Song From Kursk Region In South
Russia, with New Music by Paul Halley)
11.The Lake(Paul Halley)
12.Wolf Eyes(Timber Wolf-Paul Winter-David Darling)
13.Minuit(Midnight)(Traditional Guinean, Wrods by Keita Fodeba-English
Lyrics by Susan Osborn-John Guth)

1.Dolphin Morning(Paul Halley-Paul Winter-Glen Velez)
2.Love Swim(Bottlenose Dolphin-Paul Winter-Jim Scott-Oscar Castro Neves)
3.River Run(Glen Velez-Paul Halley-Eugene Friesen-Oscar Castro Neves-Paul
4.Sun Singer(Paul Halley-Paul Winter)
5.Grand Canyon Sunrise(Glen Velez-Paul Halley-Paul Winter)
6.For The Beauty Of The Earth(Traditional Hymn)
7.Icarus(Ralph Towner)
8.The Lake(Paul Halley)
9.Wolf Eyes(Timber Wolf-Paul Winter-David Darling)
10.Minuit(Midnight)(Traditional Guinean, Wrods by Keita Fodeba-English
Lyrics by Susan Osborn-John Guth)
11.Song For The World(Traditional Panpipe Song From Kursk Region In South
Russia, with New Music by Paul Halley)