1.Don't Sing
2.Cue Fanfare
3.Green Isaac
4.Here On The Eerie
6.Couldn't Bear To Be Special
7.I Never Play Basketball Now
8.Ghost Town Blues
11.Green Isaac(U)
All songs by Paddy McAloon
Produced by David Brewis and Prefab Sprout
PREFAB SPROUT 「Steve McQueen」 |

1.Faron Young
4.When Love Breaks Down
5.Goodbye Lucille #1 (Johnny Johnny)
7.Moving The River
8.Horsin' Around
9.Desire As
10.Blueberry Pies
11.When The Angels
All songs written by Paddy McAloon
Produced by Thomas Dolby
except 4 Produced by Phil Thornally and remixed by Thomas Dolby
PREFAB SPROUT 「From Langley Park To Memphis」 |

1.The King Of Rock 'n' Roll
2.Cars And Girls
3.I Remember That
6.Hey Manhattan!
7.Knock on Wood
8.The Golden Calf
9.Nancy (Let Your Hair Down For Me)
10.The Venus Of The Soup Kitchen
All songs written by Paddy McAloon
Produced by
1, 3, 7, 10 Thomas Dolby
2, 4, 5, 9 Jon Kelly
2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 Paddy McAloon
6 Andy Richards
PREFAB SPROUT 「Protest Songs」 |

1.The World Awake
2.Life Of Surprises
4.Wicked Things
8.Talkin' Scarlet
9.Till the Cows Come Home
10.Pearly Gates
All Songs by Paddy McAloon
Produced by Prefab Sprout
PREFAB SPROUT 「Jordan The Comeback」 |

1.Looking For Atlantis
2.Wild Horses
3.Machine Gun Ibiza
4.We Let The Stars Go
5.Carnival 2000
6.Jordan: The Comeback
7.Jesse James Symphony
8.Jesse James Bolero
10.All the World Loves Lovers 11.All Boys Believe Anything
12.The Ice Maiden 13.Paris
Smith 14.Wedding March
15.One Of The Broken 16.Michael 17.Mercy 18.Scarlet Nights
19.Doo-Wop in Harlem
All songs written by Paddy McAloon Produced by Thomas Dolby
PREFAB SPROUT 「A Life Of Surprises」 |

1.King of Rock 'N' Roll
2.When Love Breaks Down
3.Sound Of Crying
4.Faron Young
5.Carnival 2000
6.Goodbye Lucille, No. 1 (Johnny Johnny)
7.I Remember That
9.Cars And Girls 10.We Let the Stars Go
11.Life Of Surprises 12.Appetite 13.If You Don't Love Me 14.Wild Horses 15.Hey Manhattan!
16.All The World Loves Lovers
All Songs by Paddy McAloon
1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14 Produced by Thomas Dolby
2 Produced by Phil Thornally(Remixed by Thomas Dolby)
3, 13 Produced by David Brewis and Prefab Sprout
9 Produced by Jon Kelly and Paddy McAloon
11 Produced by Prefab Sprout
15 Produced by Andy Richards
16 Produced by Thomas Dolby, Additional Production and Mix by Stephen Lipson,
engineered by Heff Moraes
PREFAB SPROUT 「Andromeda Heights」 |

1.Electric Guitars
2.A Prisoner Of The Past
3.The Mystery Of Love
4.Life's A Miracle
5.Anne Marie
6.Whoever You Are
7.Steal Your Thunder
8.Avenue Of Stars
10.The Fifth Horseman 11.Weightless
12.Andromeda Heights
13.Just Because I Can<Bonus Track>
Words & Music by Paddy McAloon
Recorded and mixed by Calum Malcolm
Produced by Paddy McAloon
PREFAB SPROUT 「38 Carat Collections」 |

<DISC 1>
1.Lions In My Own Garden
2.Don't Sing
3.Couldn't Bear To Be Special
4.When Love Breaks Down
5.Faron Young
7.Johnny Johnny
8.Cars & Girls
9.The King Of Rock'N'Roll
10.Hey Manhattan!
11.The Golden Calf
12.Looking For Atlantis
13.We Let The Stars Go
14.Carnival 2000
15.The Sound Of Crying
16.If You Don't Love Me
17.Life Of Surprises
18.A Prisoner Of The Past
19.Electric Guitars
1 Produced by Hal Remington
2, 3 Produced by David Brewis and Prefab Sprout
4 Produced by Phil Thonally/Remixed by Thomas Dolby
5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14 produced by Thomas Dolby
8 Produced by Jon Kelly and Paddy McAloon
10 Produced by Andy Richards and Paddy McAloon
11, 18 Produced by Paddy McAloon
15, 16 Produced by Stephen Lipson
17 Produced by Prefab Sprout
19 Produced by paddy McAloon/Recorded and Mixed by Colum Malcolm
<DISC 2>
1.Cue Fanfare
4.Moving The River
5.Desire As
6.Horsin' Around
7.Pearly Gates
8.'Til The Cows Cows Come Home
10.I Remember That
12.Jordan:the Comeback
13.All The World Loves Lovers
14.Jesse James Bolero
15.Doo Wop In Harlem
16.Life's A Miracle
18.Andromeda Heights
19.Where The Heart Is
1, 2 Produced by David Brewis and Prefab Sprout
3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Produced by Thomas Dolby 7, 8 Produced by Prefab Sprout
9 Produced by Jon Kelly and Paddy McAloon
16, 17, 18, 19 Produced by Paddy McAloon
All Songs Written by Paddy McAloon
PREFAB SPROUT 「The Gunman And Other Stories」 |

1.Cowboy Dreams
2.Wild Card In The Pack
3.I'm A Troubled Man
4.Streets Of Laredo/Not Long For This World
5.Love Will Find Someone For You
6.Cornfield Ablaze
7.When You Get To Know Me Better
8.The Gunman
9.Blue Roses
10.Farmyard Cat
All tracks written by Paddy McAloon
except 4 traditional arranged and adapted by Paddy McAloon/Paddy McAloon
Produced and engineered by Tony Visconti
PADDY McALOON 「I Trawl The Megahertz」 |

1.I Trawl The Megahertz
2.Esprit De Corps
3.Fall From Grace
4.We Were Poor
5.Orchid 7
6.I'm 49
7.Sleeping Rough
9....But We're Happy
All tracks written by Paddy McAloon
Produced by Paddy McAloon and Calum Malcolm
PREFAB SPROUT 「Let's Change The World With Music」 |

1.Let There Be Music
3.I Love Music
4.God Watch Over You
5.Music Is A Princess
6.Earth: The Story So Far
7.Last Of The Great Romantics
8.Falling In Love
9.Sweet Gospel Music
10.Meet The New Mozart
11.Angel Of Love
Written, performed, recorded and produced by Paddy McAloon