RESTLESS HEART 「Big Iron Horses」 |

1.Mending Fences(Andy Byrd-Jim Robinson)
2.We Got The Love(Steve Bogard-Rick Giles)
3.As Far As I Can Tell(Dave Innis-Bruce Gaitsch)
4.When She Cries(Marc Beeson-Sonny LeMaire)
5.Meet Me On The Other Side(Paul Gregg-Dave Innis)
6.We're Gonna Be O.K.(Josh Leo-Vince Melamed-Timothy B.Schmit)
7.Blame It On Love(Jimmy Davis-Tommy Burroughs-Bernie Leadon)
8.Born In A High Wind(Gary Baker-Walt Aldridge-Susan Longacre)
9.Just In Time(Dave Innis-Bruce Gaitsch)
10.Big Iron Horses(John Dittrich-Dave Innis-Vince Melamed)
Produced by Josh Leo and Restless Heart