SCOTT McKENZIE 「The Voice Of Scott McKenzie」 |

1.San Francisco(Be Sure to Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair)(J.Philips)
3.It's Not Time Now(J.Sebastian, Z.Yanowski)
4.What's The Difference - Chapter II(S.McKenzie)
5.A Reason To Believe(T.Hardin)
6.Like An Old Time Movie(J.Philips)
7.No, No, No, No, No(M.Polnareff)
8.Don't Make Promises(T.Hardin)
9.Twelve Thirty(Young Girls Are Coming To The Canyon)(J.Philips)
11.What's The Difference - Chapter I(S.McKenzie)
12.San Francisco(Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair)(J.Philips)<Bonus
13.What's The Difference(Single Mix)(S.McKenzie)<Bonus Track>
14.Like An Old Time Movie(Single Version)(J.Philips)<Bonus Track>
15.What's The Difference - Chapter U(Single Version)(S.McKenzie)<Bonus
16.Celeste(Single Version)(D.Leitch)<Bonus Track>
17.No, No, No, No, No(Single Version)(M.Polnareff)<Bonus Track>
18.Holy Man(J.Philips)<Bonus Track>
19.What's The Difference - Chapter V(S.McKenzie)<Bonus Track>
Produced by John Philips and Lou Adler