2.Uncle Junior(A.Evans)<Live>
5.Rudy's Way(N.Evans)
6.Jesus Children(S.Wonder/Arr. Soulive)<Live>
8.So Live!(Solive)<Live>
9.Arruga De Agua(E.Krasno)
10.Turn It Out(Soulive)
Produced by Jeff Krasno and Sean Hoess with Soulive
SOULIVE 「Doin' Something」 |

1.Hurry Up...And Wait(Neil Evans)
2.Doin' Something(Eric Krasno)
3.Evidence(Alan Evans)
4.One In Seven(Neil Evans)
5.Bridge To 'Bama(Eric Krasno)
6.Cannonball(Eric Krasno)
7.Shaheed(Neil Evans)
8.Romantic(Goapele Mohlabane, Alan Evans, Neil Evans, Eric Krasno)
9.Solid(Alan Evans)
10.Roll The Tape(Eric Krasno)
11.Joe Sample(Eric Krasno)
12.Golden Lady(Stevie Wonder)<Bonus Track>
Produced by Soulive with Bob Brockman & Yaron Fuchs

1.Tuesday Night's Squad(Neal Evans, Kurt Rosenwinkel)
2.Flurries(Eric Krasno, Skip Skarborough)
3.Liquid(Neal Evans)
4.Kalen(Alan Evans)
5.Clap!(Neal Evans/Tariq Trotter) feat. BLACK THOUGHT of THE ROOTS
6.Interlude(Adam Deitch)
7.Ne-Ne(Eric Kasno)
8.I Don't Know(Neal Evans, Eric Krasno, Amel Larrieux) feat. AMEL LARRIEUX
9.Whatever It Is(Sam Kininger & Soulive)
10.Alkime(Alan Evans)
12.Doin' Something-Chamelkeon(Eric Krasno, Hervbie Hancock)(Live at The
Blue Note, Tokyo March 2001)<Bonus Track>
Produced by Soulive

1.Aladdin(Neal Evans)
2.El Ron(Alan Evans)
3.Solid(Alan Evans)
4.First Street(Eric Krasno)
5.Shaheed(Neal Evans)
6.Dig(Neal Evans)
7.One In Seven(Neal Evans)
8.Lenny(Stevie Ray Vaughan)
9.Turn It Out(Soulive)
10.Cash's Dream(Eric Krasno,NickKasper)<Bonus Track for Japan>
Produced by Soulive

1.Interlude Ⅰ(Soulive)
3.Got Soul(Soulive/Neville) feat. IVAN NEVILLE
5.Back Again(N.Evans/Khan) feat. CHAKA KHAN
6.Break Out(N.Evans)
7.She's Hooked(N.Evans/Watts) feat. REGGIE WATTS
8.Crosstown Traffic(Hendrix) feat. ROBERT RANDOLPH
9.Take It Easy(Krasno/A.Evans/Neville) feat. IVAN NEVILLE
11.What Can You Do(N.Evans/Watts) feat. REGGIE WATTS
12.Interlude Ⅱ(Soulive) feat. ROBERT RANDOLPH
13.Freedom(A.Evans) feat. COREY GLOVER,
14.Glad Ta Know Ya(A.Evans) feat. COCHEMEA GASTELUM,
15.Interlude Ⅲ(Soulive)
Produced by Eric Krasno & Soulive
except 5 Co-Produced by Ira Schick(man)
SOULIVE 「No Place Like Soul」 |

1.Waterfall(Pau "Toussaint" Barrett-Eric Krasno)
2.Don't Tell Me(Eric Krasno)
3.Mary(Pau "Toussaint" Barrett-Alan Evans)
4.Comfort(Pau "Toussaint" Barrett-Neil Evans)
5.Callin'(Pau "Toussaint" Barrett-Eric Krasno-Alan Evans-Neil Evans)
6.Outrage(Eric Krasno)
7.Morning Light(Pau "Toussaint" Barrett-Eric Krasno)
8.Never Know(Eric Krasno-Viveca Hawkins)
9.Yeah Yeah(Pau "Toussaint" Barrett-Alan Evans)
10.If This World Was A Song(Pau "Toussaint" Barrett-Eric Krasno-Alan
Evans-Neil Evans)
11.One Of Those Days(Pau "Toussaint" Barrett-Alan Evans)
12.Bubble(Neil Evans)
13.Kim(Alan Evans)
14.Uncle Junior(Alan Evans)
15.Bahia(Eric Krasno)
Produced by Stewart Lerman