1.Super Falling Star
3.Peng! 33
6.You Little Shits
7.The Seeming And The Meaning
10.Stomach Worm
All songs Gane/Sadier
except 9 words Baudelaire
Produced and Mixed by Robbs and Stereolab
STEREOLAB 「The Group Played "Space Age Batchelor Pad Music"」 |

SIDE ONE(Easy Listening)
1.Avant Garde M.O.R.
2.Space Age Bachelor Pad Music
3.Groop Play Chord X
4.Space Age Bachelor Pad Music
5.Ronco Symphony
6.We're Not Adult Orientated
8.We're Not Adult Orientated(Neu Wave Live)
All songs by sadier/Gane
except 2 by O'Hagan
Produced and mixed by the Group + Andy
STEREOLAB 「Mars Audiac Quintet」 |

1.Three-Dee Melodie
2.Wow And Flutter
3.Transona Five
4.Des Etoiles Electroniques
5.Ping Pong
7.Three Longers Later
8.Nihilist Assault Group
9.International Colouring Contest
10.The Stars Our Destination
11.Transporte Sans Bouger
12.L'Enfer Des Formes
13.Outer Accelerator
14.New Orthophony
15.Fiery Yellow
All songs written by Gane-Sadier
except 15 Gane-O'Hagan
STEREOLAB 「Wow And Flutter」 |

1.Wow And Flutter
2.Heavy Denim
3.Nihilist Assault Group(Parts 3, 4, 5)
4.Narco Martenot
All songs written by Gane/Sadier
STEREOLAB 「Emperor Tomato Ketchup」 |

1.Metronomic Underground
2.Cybele's Reverie
4.Les Yper-Sound
5.Spark Plug
6.Olv 26
7.The Noise Of Carpet
8.Tomorrow Is Already Here
9.Emperor Tomato Ketchup
10.Monstre Sacre
11.Motoroller Scalatron
12.Slow Fast Hazel
13.Anonymous Collective
All songs Gane/Sadier
except 3 Gane/Sadier/O'Hagan
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12 Produced & Mixed by Paul Tipler & The
4, 8, 10, 12, 13 Produced & Mixed by John McEntire & The Group
STEREOLAB 「Dots And Loops」 |

2.Miss Modular
3.The Flower Called Nowhere
5.Prisoner Of Mars
6.Rainbo Conversation
7.Refractions In The Plastic Pulse
9.Ticker-tape Of The Unconscious
11.Off-On<Bonus Track>
Produced and mixed by John McEnite and The Group
excpet 3, 5, 10 Produced and mixed by Andi Toma and The Group
STEREOLAB 「Cobra And Phases Group Play Voltage In The Milky Night」 |

2.People Do It All The Time
3.The Free Design
4.Blips Drips And Strips
5.Italian Shoes Continuum
6.Infinity Girl
7.The Spiracles
8.Op Hop Detonation
9.Puncture In The Radax Permutation
10.Velvet Water
11.Blue Milk
12.Caleidoscopic Gaze
13.Strobo Acceleration
14.The Emergency Kisses
15.Come And Play In The Milky Night
Songs written by Gane/Sadier
1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15 Produced by John McEnite and The Group
3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14 Produced by Jim O'Rourke and The Group
STEREOLAB 「The First Of The Microbe Hunters」 |

1.Outer Bongolia
4.Nomus Et Phusis
5.I Feel The Air(Of Another Planet)
6.Household Names
7.Retrograde Mirror Form
All songs by Sadier/Gane
except 1 by Gane/Ohagan/Ramsay

1.Black Ants In Sound-Dust
2.Space Moth
3.Captain Easychord
4.Baby Lulu
5.The Black Arts
7.Double Rocker
8.Gus The Mynah Bird
9.Naught More Terrific Than Man
10.Nothing To Do With Me
11.Suggestion Diabolique
12.Bon Bons Des Raisons
STEREOLAB 「Margerine Eclipse」 |

1.Vonal Declosion
2.Need To Be
3."...Sudden Stars"
4.Cosmic Country Noir
5.La Demuere
6.Margerine Rock
7.The Man With 100 Cells
8.Margerine Melodie
9.Hillbilly Motobike
10.Feel And Triple
11.Bop Scotch
12.Dear Marge
All songs by Gane/Sadier
STEREOLAB 「Chemical Chords」 |

1.Neon Beanbag
2.Three Women
3.One Finger Symphony
4.Chemical Chords
5.The Ecstatic Static
6.Valley Hi!
7.Silver Sands
8.Pop Molecule
9.Self Portrait With 'Electric Brain'
10.Nous Vous Demandons Pardon
11.Cellulose Sunshine
12.Fractal Dream Of A Thing
13.Daisy Click Clack
14.Vortical Phonotheque
All songs by Gane/Sadier
except 8 by Gane
Recorded by Joe Watson