1.Feet First(Tom Scott)
2.Jungle Funk(Tom Scott)
3.Morning Rays(Tom Scott)
4.Say You Love Me(Tom Scott)
5.Outzone(Joseph Conlan)
6.A Short Visit(Judd Miller)
7.Amaretto(Harvey Mason & Mike Lang)
8.Pipes Of Pandora(Joseph Conlan)
9.Quadra's Domain(Joseph Conlan)
Produced & arranged by Tom Scott
except 5, 8, 9 Produced by Tom Scott and Joseph Conlan and arranged by
Joseph Conlan

1.Get A Grip
2.Seat Of Your Pants
3.Lost In Love
4.Coast To Coast
6.Night Drifter
7.Cool Sensation
8.Down To The Wire
9.Water Colors
All songs written by Thomas W. Scott
except 2, 5, 9 written by Joseph Conlan
Produced by Tom Scott
except 2, 5, 9 Produced by Tom Scott and Joseph Conlan
TOM SCOTT 「Keep This Love Alive」 |

1.If You're Not The One For Me(Tamara Champlin and Bruce Gaitsch)
2.Miz Thang(Tom Scott)
3.Keep This Love Alive(Dave Pack, Rick Rhodes and Tom Scott)
4.Kilimanjaro(Ron Aston and Tom Scott)
5.Reason For The Rain(Bill Champlin, Rick Rhodes and Tom Scott)
6.Givin' Our Best(Tom Scott)
7.Only A Heartbeat Away(Lyrics by Randy Goodrum/Music by Will Lee and Tom Scott)
8.You Mean Everything(To Me)(Tom Scott)
9.Whenever You Dream Of Me(Lyrics by Lorraine Feather/Music by Rick Rhodes
and Tom Scott))
Produced by Tom Scott

1.Upbeat 90's(T.Scott, R.Aston)
2.Sarah, Sarah(J.Butler, J.Skinner)
3.Reed My Lips(R.Hahn, D.Witham, T.Scott)
4.Jungle Wave(T.Scott, R.Aston)
5.Hollywood Walk(T.Scott, L.Kimpel)
6.Every Day And Every Minute(D.Witham, R.Hahn)
7.Walk A Mile(P.Wigfall, J.Lopez, T.Scott)
Produced by Tom Scott and Lynne Scott
except 3, 6, 8 Produced by Rich Hahn, David Witham, Tom Scott and Lynne
TOM SCOTT 「Night Creatures」 |

1.Night Creatures(Tom Scott)
2.Don't Get Any Better(Smyth-Russell-Roberts-Savigar-Cawley)
3.Bhop(Tom Scott-Ron Aston)
4.Anytime, Anyplace(James Harris Ⅲ-Terry Lewis-Janet Jackson)
5.We'll Be Together(Sting)
6.Mazin'(Tom Scott-Ron Aston)
8.Refried(Tom Scott)
9.Daybreak(Tom Scott)
Produced by Tom Scott & Lynne Scott

1.Tom Cat(Tom Scott)
2.Gotta Give It Up(John West-Rodney Franklin)
3.Love Poem(Tom Scott)
4.Midtown Rush(Tom Scott)
5.Only You(William Eaton-William Salter-Ralph MacDonald)
6.Maybe It's Over(Tom Scott)
7.Sneakin' In The Back(Tom Scott-Joe Sample-Larry Carlton-Max Bennett-John Guerin)
8.Dirty Old Man(Tom Scott)
9.Bluestreak(Tom Scott)
10.In Your Eyes(Tom Scott)
Produced by Tom Scott and Lynne Scott